AMP Yhteystiedot herokuva

Contact Info

Does your business or office space need an upgrade or should it be built from scratch?
Contact us and let’s get started!​

Contact us

    AMP Yhtiöt Oy​​


    Malmin raitti 17 B, 4th floor,
    00700 Helsinki​


    Kyttälänkatu 1, 3rd floor,
    33100 Tampere​


    Phone:+358 40 0423 867

    Business ID: 2447926-3​

    You can also find us on social media:

    Billing information

    Please send invoices preferably as e-invoices.

    Network billing address: 003724479263​
    OVT id: 003724479263​
    Operator: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)​