AMP hiilikädenjälki herokuva

Carbon Handprint

Our work leaves an enviromentally friendly handprint for our customers

It is important to us to leave as small a carbon footprint as possible when working on our customers’ projects. That’s why we focus on leaving a positive carbon handprint, or positive environmental impact, in all our work.

We take responsibility for the environment in all our work. That is why we offer our customers a positive carbon handprint through activities that help reduce their carbon footprint. Our operating model is based on CO₂-calculation of the materials used in the implementation phase, as well as an efficient and certified recycling process of waste fractions together with our partners.

We measure and report the carbon footprint of construction in each of our projects. We are continuously developing our operating model to ensure that our common environmental objectives are met.

Contact us

Contact us and we will give you an estimate for your project. We implement unique and diverse service outsourcing projects tailored to your specific needs.