Success does not come alone, but together with our customers.
Success does not come alone, but together with our customers.
AMP-Yhtiöt Oy has been awarded the 2022 Kauppalehti Success and Growth Company of the Year awards.
The Successful 2022 certificate is awarded to companies that are in the top 8% of both the country and their industry based on their financial performance.
The cornerstones of success at AMP are total delivery capability, customer satisfaction and diligence. We offer transparency through our ambitious recycling programme, which makes us the most interesting player in the industry,” says Timo Malmström, CEO of AMP.
The Growth Company 2022 certificate is awarded to a company that has grown its business significantly for several years in a row. The Growth Company 2022 certificate is recognition of the successful work we have done to develop our business on our customers’ terms. To ensure continued growth, we have developed our furniture and lighting business and this will be reflected in a wider and better overall delivery capability. All services and products from one supplier will make it easier for our customers in many ways,” says Jarmo Kallioniemi, Growth Director.